What the hell happened to delmarvabikers.com anyways?
06/09/18 - by Steven Winslow

Happiest day of my Life!


Happy with the best companion that I could ever wish for!

On one of our many adventures!

Reviving a dead horse...
June 9th, 2018
DMVB Central, Secretary, MD

Its a question I have been asked more than once over the years... What the hell happened to delmarvabikers.com anyways? Well, that is kind of a complex one. Suffice it to say it went on a hiatus of sorts. I know, I know, 6 years is one hell of a hiatus! Back in 2012, I experienced a perfect storm that more or less forced my hand. All within the span of a couple of months, my sponser had to cut back on advertizing expenses, my bike needed some serious work and I just didnt seem to have the drive to do it that I once had. Bikerornot and Facebook stole the lions share of the sites audience and I was just plain burned out. DMVB went on the back burner and I seriously cut back on my biking activities. I was still taking pics at various events, I just never seemed to get around to posting them.

Over the years, I met Sunrise-Sunset, we bought a house and got married. I lost my long term job in Cambridge and spent several months on unemployment. Then my mother died. Once I got back to work, I traded in my old jeep for a new one. There just always seemed to be something going on that prevented me from uploading the pics.

So why bring it back now? Welllll... A couple of reasons. I have always wanted to get back into it, just needed a little push to get me there. Sunrise-Sunset is all for it, so that is a big one of course. Technology has moved forward quite a bit and there are some things in the works that I think will make the site more user friendly. One big one is Facebook integration. I am hoping to have it so that you can login here with your facebook login and refer pics from there to here. I think that would make it a lot easier for people to participate, that is for sure. Anyways, I can not wait to get back out there and start doing events again! Please, one thing I hope to make the great go to tool it once was is the calendar. Take a moment and check it out. If you know of something bike related on Delmarva that we are not aware of, email me at winslow@delmarvabikers.com!

Thanks to one and all, and I hope this next chapter in DMVB history will be even better than the last! See ya on the road and RIDE SAFE!


Got a cool bike you'd like to show off here at delmarvabikers.com? Like to write articles? Drop me a line and we'll see if we can hook ya up!

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