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05/19/08: Federalsburg VFW is COMING!!!
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Federalsburg VFW is COMING!!!
05/19/08 - by Steven Winslow
Click on image for full size PopUp.

2008 HD FXD or $10K RAFFLE!! WOOHOO!!


Sorry, the girl is not included...

TONS of the best bikes on Delmarva will be there!



Over the past 2 years, Lisa and I have done alot of different events. Some events always seem to stick out in my mind, and the Federalsburg VFW event is deffinately one of them! This year is thier 6th annual show, and it promises to be bigger and better than ever! Lisa and I recently sat down with Tim and Russell, this years event coordinators to get the lowdown on whats in store for this year...

Winslow: Hey Russel and Tim, great to be here talking to you guys! Im really looking forward to this years show! Tell me about the bike show...

Tim: This year we will be having more than 20 classes, everything from cruisers to imports. There will be 1st to 3rd place trophies in each class.

Winslow: Who will be judging the classes?

Russell: In the past, weve had ABATE guys and some others do the judging, this year we are going to try something different. We are going to try to get the people who put thier bikes in the show to judge.

Winslow: I like that idea!

Russell: If you have say a Road King, I might ask you to judge the sportster class, or some other class than where your bike is entered.

Winslow: Niiice!

Russell: We want to change things up a bit, keep it fresh.

Winslow: Very cool! Are you still looking for sponserships and vendors?

Russell: Yep, $50 bucks to sponser a trophy in a class, $150 sponsers the whole class, 1st to 3rd. All sponsers will get a mention.

Winslow: And all this will be for the scholorships, right?

Russell: Yesir! In past years we have done 6 scholarships, this year we are going to expand it to 8 and we would also like to give some money for Operation Uplink (phone cards for troops overseas).

Winslow: Thats awesome!

Russell: Lets just hope we get good weather.

Winslow: Its Federalsburg, its not allowed to rain!

Russell: (Laughing) Lets hope! We are also thinking about switching things up a little bit on how we organize the event setup. We will have the band up front, the vendors around in a circle sort of... Maybe have the bikes down one side and have the cars parked on the other. I dunno, we are still working on that.

Tim: I think it will work well.

Winslow: Thats neat idea. May keep the dust down some.

Tim: We are going to raffle the bike at 4, we had some complaints about it being late, so we are going to try a little earlier this year.

Winslow: What will entertainment be this year?

Tim: Bird Dog and the Road Kings, Barren Creek and a DJ for in between sets. We want all the vendors to get thier messages in so we can have them announced.

Winslow: Oh cool! Always love Bird Dog, and Barren Creek was at Cambridge last year, they were pretty good!

Tim: Same as last year, we will be raffling the bike or 10k cash!

Winslow: How did that end up last year? Who won the bike? Or did they take the cash?

Tim: It was a woman from Bridgeville and she took the cash.

Winslow: Man, I want the bike! I know 10k would pretty tempting!

Tim: (Laughing) You know it! The great thing is, the 10k would be in cash...

Winslow: What about food?

Tim: The ladies auxiliary will be serving up Pit Beef, Burgers and dogs. We will be serving beer out front here and inside.

Winslow: Nice! Im a HUGE fan of the pit beef! Allways the best... Anything you would like to add?

Russell: One thing we would like is to have people who have been here before call us with comments on the show, how we can make it better, so on. We want comments good or bad. If you dont know what you are doing wrong, you cant improve it, right?

Winslow: Right...

Russell: We really want to hear from people, and they can call us direct and let us know what they think. My number is 410-943-8227 or they can call Tim at 443-521-9817. As always, we are looking for more vendors. All we ask is that they be here by 10 so we can get setup. We would like to see a few more than we had last year.

Winslow: Thanks guys, we are realy looking forward to the show, cant wait for it! Make sure you make it out to Federalsburg on Saturday June 21st, its one of the MUST DO shows on the year!

Interview by Steven Winslow

Got a cool bike you'd like to show off here at delmarvabikers.com? Like to write articles? Drop me a line and we'll see if we can hook ya up!


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