Print 04/14/08 - by Steven Winslow
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| Some of last years bike show entries!
| Cool custom...
| Our good friends at Midshore ABATE were there!
The Delaware ABATE Blue Hen Bike Show will be held Sunday April 20th at the Millford, DE VFW Post. This will be our first year at the show, so come on out and say hello! I got a chance to ask Bobbi one of the event organizers some questions about this years event...
Q: Hi Bobbi, its great talking to you about the ABATE Delaware Blue Hen Bike Show coming up on April 20th. This is the 16th annual event? Wow, thats quite a few years!
A: Yes it is quite a few years and this year will be the first one day ride in show. We are hoping for a good crowd.
Q: This year the event has been moved to the Milford VFW. That should give you guys some more room, and with this great weather we have been having, a much more open atmosphere. What else does DE ABATE have planned that you can share with me?
A: All kinds of vendors, leather products, jewelry, t-shirts.
Q: One of my all time favorites is Bike Games! I got real excited when I saw that you guys were planning to have some for Milford. I cant wait to give them a try. One of my very first bike shows was the Blue Hen show. I always like coming out and seeing all of the cool bikes. Will the bike show still be a big part of the event? What prizes / trophies are planned for the event? How much does it cost and can anyone enter thier bike? Will any bike builders be coming out to show off thier rides?
A: The Bike show will be the biggest part of the event. Trophies will be given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place of each class. First place also receives 50.00 if there are 4 or more in the class. The cost is 15.00 for each bike. Anyone can enter as long as it is in one of the 9 classes.
Q: How about food, vendors, entertainment? What plans do you guys have for that?
A: We have one food vendor at the moment with hotdogs, hamburgers, fries, pulled pork, soda's water. We have a DJ coming for 5 hours.
Q: Wow, thats awesome! This year, the Blue Hen bike show will be our first stop on the 2008 tour. Comon out and see us, get your ride in the show, do some bike games or just hangout for one of Delmarvas first Bike Events of the season! See you there!
Article By Steven WInslow
Got a cool bike you'd like to show off here at Like to write articles? Drop me a line and we'll see if we can hook ya up! |