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George Jackson Invades HD of OC!
03/18/08 - by George Jackson
Click on image for full size PopUp.

Jinya Bennett and her motorcycle. Jinya is the wife of Mr. Bruce Bennett

Some of the people who came out to sign the scrolls.

my wife Shirley, and Mr. Jeff Merritt

from left to right: George Jackson (me), Jeff Merritt of the ESC HOG, and Bruce Bennett

Some Well wishes from the Eastern Shore for our Troops!

George is now sporting some new head gear!

Good morning, Steve:

Saturday, the weather was great! Motorcyclist's poured into Harley-Davidson of Ocean City all day long. I was scheduled to be there from 10AM until 3PM, but stayed until 4:30PM. There was a large number of people still writing morale boosting messages to the Troops. WOW! Thank You to all those wonderful people. Especially a big Thank You to those who helped make my visit to Harley-Davidson of Ocean City, at Ocean City, Maryland, possible: - They are Jeff Merritt of the "Ocean City Harley Owners Group" for putting me in contact with Benet McCormick at "Harley-Davidson of Ocean City" back on February 5th, (BENET, THANK YOU SO MUCH.), Also, I would like to thank Bruce Bennett also at "Harley-Davidson of Ocean City", - (Bruce, the "Harley-Davidson of Ocean City" cap will be worn everywhere I go. It is a great cap!!!!!)

Jeff and Diana Merritt were both a big help to my wife, Shirley, and I by helping roll the scrolls as sections of it became full. - Thank You to, Jeff and Diana. See in Photo DCP_7179 from left to right my cool new "Harley-Davidson of Ocean City" cap, Diana Merritt, and Jeff Merritt, as they are helping out at the scroll signing tables. There were so many fantastic motorcycles. Attached are some photos of folks writing all those morale boosting messages at Harley-Davidson of Ocean City, at Ocean City, Maryland. After they had signed the scrolls, I asked the folks driving the 3 great motorcycles in photo DCP_7152 if they would park their fantastic motorcycles in front of the scroll signing tables, so I could take a photo of them and their motorcycles to send with the scrolls to the Troops. One of the motorcyclists as he drove away, asked me to tell the Troops God Bless from him. My wife, Shirley is setting behind the scroll signing tables in the background of one of the photos.

And Thank you to all those who helped get the word out about scrolls visit to Harley-Davidson of Ocean City: They are WMDT channel 47 TV at Salisbury, Maryland, Froggy 999 FM Radio at Salisbury, Maryland, Bulldog and Tanya Anderson at WOCM-FM 98.1 radio at Ocean City, Maryland, and Mr. Steven Winslow at delmarvabikers.com.

A special note to all of the folks in the Salisbury, and Ocean City area: PLEASE contact me if you, or anyone that you know will have enough space for me to set the scrolls up at a large event which draws a large number of visitors like Harley-Davidson of Ocean City did yesterday. The faster I get the scrolls filled with morale boosting messages, the sooner I can send them to the Troops. If I have not already scheduled a visit to another event on the same date as your event, I could sure use the help.


George Jackson

American Corner, Maryland.

C.C's to: Jeff Merritt, Trisha Twilley, Tanya Anderson, April Brilliant, Mike Thomas, Brain Cleary, Bruce Bennet, and Benet McCormick, - THANK YOU so much to Harley-Davidson of Ocean City.

Article and Photos By George Jackson


Just a note from us here at delmarvabikers.com...

We met George back in 2006 at the Federalsburg VFW bike show. Evertime I see George with his huge smile and an infectious laugh, it brightens my day. George has been at this for years, collecting as many signatures as he can on his scrolls, bundling them up and sending them off to our troops! He doesnt ask for anything but a small corner to setup his tables and deffinately brightens any event. If you or your organization are planning an event, Biker or Not, I would highly encourage you to see if George can put you on his schedule. It doesnt cost a dime and will deffinately help to make your event or gathering more memorable!

- Steven Winslow -

Got a cool bike you'd like to show off here at delmarvabikers.com? Like to write articles? Drop me a line and we'll see if we can hook ya up!


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