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Article Archives
George Jackson Update
01/16/07 - by Steven Winslow
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George Jack, Scolls for Troops

Cammandants Letter to George

Letter from the USS Dwight D Eisenhower


You wouldnt beleive the great people I meet doing this... - George Jackson

Thought you all might like to see what landed in my inbox recently... Yep, George Jackson, the truest American I know, from (of all places) American Corner, MD, sent me the following update on his scrolls for troops project...

Good afternoon, Steve:

I went to my mailbox the other day and found a big brown envelope in it. I carried it over to my wife Shirley at the Star Democrat Newspaper so she could be the one to open it. You can see her open the envelope from the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower Aircraft Carrier at www.stardem.com it's a video. It's located on the main page, no sign-in needed to view it. The story is about the Navy Christmas Scroll. The story is called "Scroll Thank You From USS Eisenhower"

The Scroll was signed by people from all over DELMARVA, ( Also signed at the CENTRE AT SALISBURY, and at the Federlsburg VFW. ) and it was also signed by the Members of the Maryland General Assembly and now Governor Elect Martin O'Malley at the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis. Attached is a photo copy of the letter from the Commander, and a scanned copy of the photo the Commander mentions in his letter.

Have a great day Steve.

George Jackson
American Corner, Maryland.

PDF of the US Aircraft Carier Dwight D Eisenhower, stationed near Iraq.

(I also received this awhile ago, but unfortunately it got misplaced. Thanks for resending George!)

Good morning, Steve, from Santa, HO HO HO!!!!!!!:

Below, I've copied and pasted one whole e-mail message that I received a couple of days ago from CPL SHORTALL, JOSHUA P. who is a U.S. Marine from Easton , Maryland who is deployed in Iraq. Also pasted below that e-mail are two portions of his reply to my reply, which I sent to him yesterday. Also attached is a the photo of his platoon which he sent to me with his reply. I sent him the Christmas scroll for U.S. Marines in Iraq less than two weeks ago from the Denton, Maryland branch of the U.S. Post Office. WOW, the mail is moving a lot faster.

Also attached is scan of a letter that I received three days ago from the Commandant of The Marine Corps. Very recently I sent a 498 foot long scroll to the Commandant of The Marine Corps at the Pentagon for U.S. Marines deployed in Afghanistan, I think from his letter that we have helped put some smiles on the faces of U.S. Marines and Sailors deployed in Afghanistan also. Steve, you signed that scroll and other scrolls at the Stadium at Salisbury, on September 11, 2006.

I will keep you informed as I hear back from the Troops.

(Note: I contacted Joshua yesterday after receiving his e-mails and photo and asked his permission to share them. What I'm sending to you is what Joshua gave me permission to send in an e-mail reply which I received this morning before I started writing this e-mail to you.)

Pasted below is the first e-mail from Joshua:

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson,

Thank you both so much for the scroll, that you put together for myself and the rest of my marines that are serving over here in Iraq. We receive many items in the mail and all of the guys over here say that this scroll is the best one yet. It truly means a lot to them, to have people to of whom they have never met, write such highly encouraging words to them. We are going to hang it up in one of our offices that we have over here. For a lot of my guys over here this will be there first Christmas away from their loved ones. It is going to be hard but we have pulled together as a family and we are going to celebrate the holiday season our way. We have already completed 3 months of our tour but we have a long hard 3 more to go. As the holiday season is approaching the marines are pulling together more and more. You know its funny no one ever expects to come over here, but once you do it changes your prospective on a lot of things that you take for granite. Once I found out that I was selected to be a part of this evolution, and I realized that I was going to be a part of history I found out that I would be leading roughly 50 marines into a combat zone. That was the scariest thing for me. Luckily we started this tour with 50 marines and to this day we still have all of them. I couldn't have a better crew then what I have now. Once again many thanks from the marines of CLB-1 MAINT CO.


Next are two separate portions (PARTs.) of Joshua's reply to my reply to his 1st e-mail about the scroll, which is the above e-mail:

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson,

Thanks for the reply to my last email. We started to hang up the scroll late last night in one of our offices. I received it in the mail yesterday at around 1500. I started reading it at that point and I still haven't made it to the half way point. It is amazing just how many people took the time to stop and write a message to us over here. Its really heart warming. I talked to my dad last night and told him that I had gotten it in the mail....

...once again thank you for all that you have done.

Attached is a photo of my platoon.


Thank You, and all who signed the scrolls, and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

George (Santa.) and Shirley (Mrs Claus.) Jackson
American Corner, Maryland

Also, British Troops in Afghanistan have the scroll that you also signed at the Stadium in Salisbury on September 11th. The following is a copy and paste of the text of an e-mail that I received on November 17th from a UK Spokesman:

Dear Mr Jackson – I have just taken receipt of 402 feet of awesome messages from your community. I have passed the messages onto the Commander of UK troops in Afghanistan, Brigadier Jerry Thomas Royal Marines, and he has asked me to acknowledge receipt of the messages and say how very grateful he was to receive them and to know that you and your community are thinking about us. As you can imagine at times it gets very isolated out here and we seldom know what is going on back home.

We are currently experiencing some very violent storms so when the weather improves I will get a photograph of the roll with some of the British troops and write a more formal letter of thanks>br>
Once again many thanks for thinking about us and taking the time to put together the messages

Andy Price
Lt Col Royal Marines
UK Spokesman

Editors Note: Permission was secured from the writers to publish all of the foregoing on delmarvabikers.com. Please join us in thanking George for all that he does. You may agree or disagree with the war and why we are there, but I like to think we all support our troops overseas. They are Americans, our brothers, our sisters, our friends and our family. They deserve our most heartfelt thanks and gratitude...

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