Honoring Marty
| Print 09/05/06 - by Steven Winslow
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| Marty "Wires" Schultz
| Wining a trophy at Tilghman
| Manning the ABATE booth at Fed VFW
Do you know what ABATE is all about? - Marty Schultz Helmet Laws right? - Winslow Yeah, but theres a hell of alot more than that going on... - Marty Schultz
By Sweet Emotion:
Martin "Wires" Schultz
We here at Delmarva Bikers would like to take a moment to remember a friend and brother. We have wanted to write this sooner. But emotions have been all over the place with this sad loss.
As many know, Martin "Wires" Schultz died August 30, 2006 while riding his bike. Words cannot describe the shock and hurt felt when we heard of this tragedy. Marty was known as one of the safest riders around and a stickler for following the law.
Many times when we lose someone, the stories are like folk tales. Mean people become good natured, the selfish become generous, sinners become saints. It is not necessary to stretch the truth here. With Marty, you saw what you got. He refused to play games with people, had no time for non-sense. What he did have time for were people. He was much attuned to other’s feelings.
Marty was State Director of A.B.A.T.E. of Maryland, past director and member of the local chapter of A.B.A.T.E. He was also a member of the State of Maryland Motorcycle Safety Task Force. Marty was a very active member of A.B.A.T.E., working to promote motorcycle safety and awareness. He was a huge presence at the events and functions. From the beginning of the event, through the event, to after the event. Marty always gave that little extra to make it fun for the people and a success for A.B.A.T.E.
Marty was a loyal, devoted person. For family, friends and business he was there when needed. Just seeing the loss and hearing the memories people have. Tells me Marty was one of the good guys. I have found most of them have a memory of Marty being there in a time of need. I have also found every one of them would have done the same for him. The amount of people who came to show love and respect at Marty’s memorial was amazing. Literally 100s of bikers’ were there, each one having a personal memory of Marty. That really says something about a person and what they are about.
Marty was the "Master of a thousand kindnesses", A loving husband, father and a true to the heart friend and brother. He loved his family, he loved his friends, and he let them KNOW he loved them. The world is a darker place without our brother. Marty’s memory and spirit will ride in the hearts of many forever. "WHILE THERE IS A HEART IN US; HE WILL BE A PART OF US".
By Steven Winslow:
I gotta be honest, Martys death has had a pretty profound impact on me. Much more than I would have thought. Ive been trying to write something for going on a month now, and everytime I sit down it comes out as a bunch of nonsense. Random thoughts... Impressions... I really love what Lisa wrote above, and it has motivated me to finally put this article out and the whole thing to rest in my mind...
The last time I saw Marty was at Taneytown. We had just finished up the field events there and I was getting on my bike to ride off the field. Just to one side was a bucket with a few water balloons left in it. I eyed the bucket and there was Marty eyeing it as well... You can guess what came next! Ive never been able to get the bike moving on wet grass so fast before or since! I can still see him smiling and laughing as he chucked those balloons at me and I tore off trying to avoid em! Thats the way I will allways remember Marty.
One of Martys biggest complaints seemed to be the way people viewed ABATE, so to honor him Id like to put in my two cents on the issue of ABATEs image. Its no lie, there is a rough and tumble image among many circles of ABATE as a group of hard drinking, the hell with the rules, we dont care what you think biker riding barbarians! Kinda makes me think of those credit card commercials with the barbarian horde saying ARRRRR!!! WHATS IN YOUR WALLET!?!? At least that was the impression I had till I actually met and took the time to get to know them. The truth of the matter, from someone who has spent some time with them, is completely different. Marty fought to show people that ABATE members are law abiding productive members of society. They own businesses, hold down good jobs and have families they love and care for deeply. They beleive strongly in thier families and loved ones and would do anything to help one another out. They live thier lives honestly, without deceptions and manipulations. To put not too fine a point on it, the ABATE people that I know are some of the most upstanding moral people I have ever known. And to a man, Im proud to call them my friends.
Marty, ya done good brother. ABATE was a big part of your life and you played a huge role in making it what it is today. You should be proud. You embodied a saying I overheard once at an ABATE event - Stand up for something or fall for anything...
- Article by Sweet Emotion and Steven Winslow
Id like to extend an invitation to anyone out there to add to this article. Email in your thoughts and we will be more than happy to post them here. Thanks and God Bless.
Oh yes... Something I found that some of you may enjoy. I took this video of Marty doing the drawings at Cumberland. Enjoy.
Got a cool bike you'd like to show off here at delmarvabikers.com? Like to write articles? Drop me a line and we'll see if we can hook ya up! |