Print 07/07/06 - Steven Winslow, Pics by Sweet Emotion and Steven Winslow
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| John and Cindy getting setup for Tilghman...
| Bob Wolfe and Co rolling in for Tilghman...
| Law Dogs MC crew at Tilghman...
| Loads of Vendors at Tilghman...
| Harrison Houses front lawn covered with Bikes!
| Down Bound Train Provided Music...
| PJ doing that announcing thing!
| Fiesty Bartenders at Tilghman!
| DAM! PJ stole the RAT trophy!
| ABATE giving out the show Trophies!
I love everybody, I want everybody to have a great time! - An annon ABATE Member
Unlike the April event the first weekend in July turned out to be a truly marvelous one for the 1st Annual July Tilghman Island ABATE Bike Show! PJ, Pockets, John, Cindy, The Rest of the ABATE crew, Down Bound Train, all the vendors and The Harrison House put on one hell of a Bike Show and contest! The setting by the water at Harrison House is one of the most scenic I have ever seen a bike show held at and the Harrison House is deffinately one of my favorite hosts! They made the event a memorable one by making sure all of us enjoyed ourselves!
Sweet Emotion and I came out Friday night and spent the whole weekend, kind of a minivacation and bike event all rolled into one. Our hosts were kind enough to give us a room right over the event and overlooking the marina, which made it easy to get some of the upper level shots you see in the picture collection. Right onsite they have an excellent resturant, two inside bars, a deck bar and outside service all overlooking Tilghman Islands marinas and waterways. Truly Fantastic!
Saturday the event got underway with many of the vendors setting up early. The vendor lineup included the Law Dogs MC, Twin Iron Cycles,, Jewelry Vendors, Toys, Pillows, Harley Davidson of Seaford, several local charity organizations, beer vendors and of course ABATE. Music was provided by Down Bound Train.
The highlight of the event was of course ABATES ride in bike show and contest. Custom made trophies were awarded for first and second place in all sorts of catagories from Rat Bike (Im gunning for you PJ!) all the way up to full custom. The competition was quite fierce in many of the classes with the great showing from the Delmarva Biker Community! If you were a winner, be sure to check the picture gallery I got most of you receiving your awards!
All in All, the event was quite well attended and everyone had a great time! At one point I managed to get out front to see nearly the entire front lawn of the Harrison House COVERED with all sorts of Bikes! Its allways great to see the delmarvabiker community coming out in force for a great cause!
Full set of pictures of this event can be found here.
Thanks for a GREAT WEEKEND ABATE! Steven Winslow
NOTE: Be sure to mark your calendars for next year when the Harrison House will again host ABATE on June 30th.
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