Print 06/05/06 - Winslow and Dan (Pics Lisa, Bill and Winslow)
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| Robert and Lisa hanging out...
| Big thrill! Lisa sitting on her first chopper!
| Abate made the Friday Night show!
| Bob Wolfe and TIC crew enjoying some refreashments!
| Saturday mornings rain chased alot of people away...
| Haus of Trikes
| The Wild Bunch from Critical Intentions
| Something about girls in Bikinis on Bikes... WOOHOO!
| The Chopperz4Life crew...
| Twin Iron Cycles Booth with adopted mascot..
| PJ of Abate did an awesome job!
| Cycle Creations Booth
| Mz Daytona doing that weenie bite thing!
| The Barrel Roll event was a blast!
| Nice Jousting Action Shot!
| Shane gets into the act!
| Crazy ass quad burnout!
| Double Burnout! How much for a tire Bunk?
| Several bands contributed thier time...
| This guy won the Tatoo contest!
| Most of the contestants in the contest!
| Bird Dog and The Road Kings
| Dinner with some good friends!
| Sundays great weather drew a HUGE crowd!
| First Card draw at Sailwinds.
| Most rolled out together...
| Cambridge Police. Thanks guys! Great work!
| Cambridge Motorsports Card Draw
| Some really nice country riding!
| Dockside Check in
| Our hosts at Dockside... THANKS GUYS!
| Only one thing to say... NORMAN!!!
| The amazing Spiderdan does his draw...
| Chowing down at Old Salties
| More awesome views!
| Last card... Phooey I never win!
| Super Heroes and Bikini Girls having fun...
| Girls eating... Umm... Pie!
| Got me Sportie scrubbed! Thanks Girls!
| Awesome band!
| Terrific Auction!
What do you mean I won? Here I will pay you, please put it up for auction again or give it to the family in need! - More Bidders than I can count!
A big Thank You to Lisa and Bill for taking pictures and the Amazing Spiderdan for loaning out his writing skills once again!
We ended up with over 500 pictures of the weekend! Even after some weeding out of the shots of my feet and nostrils we still had over 400! So, here is some break down to help if you are only interested in one part of the event:
Friday pictures - 1 - 33 Saturday morning pictures - 34 - 101 Saturday afternoon pictures - 102 - 199 Sunday Stevens Ride pictures - 200 - 377 Sunday afterparty pictures - 378 - 404
Friday: I was lucky enough to have a friend meet me Friday to help kick off the weekends festivities... She also helped out an emense amount with taking pictures and generally preventing me from making too much of an ass of myself LOL. We started out in the Great Slates parking lot, where I think the threat of rain probably scared away a fair amount of the crowd. Lisa got to sit on her first chopper way cool! After a bit we went in had some food and watched the band. They were ok but not what I would call a biker band.
Saturday Morning: Saturday morning I woke up to a torent of rain! Yep it just wasnt cooperating in the least bit! I waited a bit and it started to clear about 10 or so. Got over to the event where there was a medium sized crowd enjoying the displays fun food and fellowship. It was great seeing all types and makes of bikers coming together for a comon cause!
Saturday Afternoon: The weather deffinately improved as the day went on and so did the crowd! I ran into alot of old friends and made some new ones. It was just that kind of event - lots of people having a great time! Anyway the afternoon was filled with burnouts and field games! The Stevens ride volunteers and Twin Iron Cycle guys did an awesome job on the events! That was a blast guys, cant wait till next time! I topped off the day with a realy cool dinner. I got to sit down with none other than Robert Townsend, Dan and his fiancee, and Bob and John from Dominion Cycles! Thanks guys! That was truly an honor!
Sunday Stevens Ride: Dans report: Well,another great day for another great ride for another great reason. We went to cambridge for the poker run to bennefit a little boy named Steven. Steven has a long list of problems to many to tell and to many to want to hear. So its just better to say this little boy and his family needed help and the biker community roared in. It was a four day event with a little bit of something for everyone to participate. My wife Dawn and I rode the poker run to show our support. My wife knows the family a little better than most. Shes a teacher at Hurlock elementry and has taught Stevens brother so thats how I learned about the whole thing. It was a beautiful day to ride. Our little group had a great time. We stopped at one of the check points to grab some lunch. We talked a little about bikes and a lot about everything else bikers are people too. We then rode back to sailwinds and parted ways. Once again having a great time riding together. Speaking for my wife and myself wed ride with anyone of these people anytime anywhere. We seemed to ride well together and that makes a big difference on a ride itself. When we got back Dawn and I walked around and met up with other friends. Through walking I got to see liittle Steven. He had no idea this whole thing was for him it makes you think of all the good things in our lives that we take for granted. I saw all the shirts that said (Stevens motorcycle show). They were all red I wondered why there were no black ones? Stevens favorite color is red. Sometimes its the simple things that make you see that what you think are hard things really arent. Thank you Steven I had a great time at your show we all hope you feel better. - Dan(IllusionBlue).
Thanks Bro Great writing as always! Only thing I would add is some news about the rider who went down on the course... I spoke to one of the EMS personel who was present at and attended to the accident. The impression they had was this: The rider was headed towards Hoppers Island at a high rate of speed when he failed to navigate a right hand corner / bend in the road. The bike went down on its left side and both rider and bike slid 50 or more feet before leaving the road and coming to rest in a ditch to the side. The accident was single bike / rider and never did involve anyone else. The rider suffered assorted scrapes and a sever abrasion on his left arm (Road Rash). EMS decided to fly him out as a precaution, but they did not beleive he suffered any more serious injuries. The bike in question was a Harley Davidson and it suffered some minor and cosmetic damage. Its great to hear that no one suffered anything more serious.
Sunday Afterparty: When we got back from the ride there was some full blown shenanagins going on in the field! They had organized a few races featuring dudes on minibikes dressed as super heroes and bikini clad girls eating whipped cream pies! LOL it was very entertaining for all of us to watch! The bikini bike wash was pretty nice, the girls really put a nice shine on my sportie! There was a great band playing, but the true capper of the whole event was yet to come... The grand finally of the event was the charity auction. There was a proffessional auctioneer present and it was alot of fun to watch! Most people bid high and often and some of it became quite spirited. In quite a few cases people either donated the item bid on too Steven and his Family or simply put it back up for auction! Too cool Cambridge YOU ROCK!! I never did get any final numbers on what the event brought in, but Im sure it was good.
A partial list of Sponsors: Cambridge Motorsports, WCEN, Park Construction, Creative Cycles, Twin Iron Cycles, Killarney B Inn B, Stone Cycles, The Marci Dayton Fund, GEB Rentals, Matthews Amusements, Trinity Transport, Regina Chain, Pohanka of Salisbury and many many others! There was also a true outpouring of support from the community with loads of volunteers. GREAT WORK GUYS!
See ya on the Road! Steven Winslow
Got a cool bike you'd like to show off here at Like to write articles? Drop me a line and we'll see if we can hook ya up! |